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Who we are

Connectaa experts provide you with more than 30 years of experience in marketing and implementation of software solutions!

Connectaa - your platform for business software searchers and providers

Our expertise will help you to find the right solutions and contacts for your requirements.


We are experts in planning, budgeting, reporting and analysis (BI), management and legal consolidation, content management and e-commerce, digital transformation, customer relationship and business process management, as well as search engine marketing and optimization.


We have worked with Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce, Adobe and prevero, and have carried out numerous projects at companies like ABB, Coop, Credit Suisse, Dallah, DaimlerChrysler, Helbling, HG Commercial, Landi, Ricola, Swisscom, UBS, V train, Walter Meier, Weidplas, Zehnder or Zurich insurance.

Access to relevant software suppliers and projects


The time-consuming research and analysis is no longer necessary and within a few days you get access to the service providers, who not only offer the appropriate software, but also the capacity for a project implementation.


A first qualification and filtering takes place, in which the company announces core evaluation criteria.


Do you have interest? Register today and join the exchange with relevant projects and software providers!